miercuri, 4 februarie 2009

War or Peace

I. They are already eighteen
And they can't decide between
Army life
Or civil life.
Don't force them,
We don't know if they can
You dont feel any shame
For you, he is just a simple name
Delegate in war
Sent to death

II. If he should die
His mother will cry
But if there is peace
There will be bless
Children woudnt cry after their fathers anymore
And life would be much longer
We could be happy in paradise
Living our lives

III . I'm sure you love your country
But this love must be friends with peace
Your heart must be here, not far away
What can i say?

IV. Do change things, it's in your power
But not just in a fucking hour
What's falling down - the rain
What's burning up - the flame
But the rain can put out the flame
So do you can kill the war
And bring the peacce into the world
Only you can make the choise
War on Peace

6 comentarii:

Anonim spunea...

Eu o stiu ... :D

CarmenPunkGirl spunea...

eeee :P

Lisandru Cristian spunea...

Frumoasă poezie... Felicitări pentru postare...

Anonim spunea...


delta spunea...

Autorul pasajelor din postare fiind... cine?

CarmenPunkGirl spunea...

@delta: adica cine a scris-o?
eu :D