In 1994, albumul Dookie i-a facut cunoscuti in lumea intreaga, desi ei cantau deja de aproximativ 5 ani. Urmatoarele albume au sporit faima trupei, dar in 2004 cu albumul American Idiot au atins apogeul. A fost vandut in peste 6 milioade de copii doar in SUA, depasind 10 milioane in intreaga lume. Turneul mondial le-a adus 30 milioane de dolari.
Stiau ca va fi o adevarata provocare sa faca un album mai bun ca American Idiot. Dar l-au facut. Si in luna mai a acestul an il vor lansa.
Trupa a declarat ca formatii precum The Who, The Beatles, The Creators, Cheap Trick, The Jam pot fi considerate influente pentru 21st Century Breakdown.
A aparut lista melodiilor pe de el:
Act I: Heroes and Cons
1-Song Of The Century
2- 21st Century Breakdown
3- Know Your Enemy
4- Viva La Gloria
5- Before Lobotomy
6- Christian’s Inferno
7- Last Night On Earth
Act II – Charlatans and Saints
1-Song Of The Century
2- 21st Century Breakdown
3- Know Your Enemy
4- Viva La Gloria
5- Before Lobotomy
6- Christian’s Inferno
7- Last Night On Earth
Act II – Charlatans and Saints
8- East Jesus Nowhere
9- Peacemaker
10- Last of the American Girls
11-Murder City
12- Viva La Gloria(Little Girl)
13- Restless Heart Syndrome
Act III – Horseshoes and Hand grenades
Act III – Horseshoes and Hand grenades
14- Horseshose and Handgrenades
15- The Static Age
16- 21 Guns
17- American Eulogy (I. Mass Hysteria; II. Modern World)
18- See The Light
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